Councillors Areas of Responsibility
Liz Longley - Parish Assets (War Memorial, Bus Shelters, Noticeboards and Playground), Bonfire Party, Common Land and Easement Issues Flytipping, Cleanliness Issues, Planning
Sam Fielden - Police Issues, Highways Issues, Transport
Peter Green - Legal Issues, Governance and Compliance - Code of Practice, Freedom of information Act, Risk Assessment, Standing Orders, Cricket Club Liaison Officer
Peter Willis -Fleming -Footpaths and Bridleways, Access Land, Representative for SODC/OCC Seminars, , Neighbourhood Watch, Communications, Chilterns Society and Chilterns Conservation Board
Pippa Chevenix Trench - Communtiy Plan
Click here to look at the Councillors Register of Interest
Contact Information
Liz Longley – Chairman: Tel: 641445 email: [email protected]
Clerk: Kristina Tynan: Tel 641945 email: [email protected]
Councillors Register of Interests